Welcome to the Unpacking the Sacred Word Vault, an organized Zettelkasten-based system for studying and archiving insights on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This vault serves as both a dynamic study tool and a long-term repository for personal notes, cross-references, and reflections. This vault is the archival system of a physical binder used for note taking and will be updated weekly. This project started on 11/17/2024 and will mainly follow the yearly "Come, Follow Me" Manuals released by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 2024: Book of Mormon (Started Mid. November) 2025: Doctrine & Covenants - Church History --- ## **Folder Structure** The vault is divided into sections that mir rorthe physical binder for seamless integration: ### 1. **Scriptures (`01 -Scriptures`)** - Subfolders for each volume of scripture: - **S.1 - Old Testament** - **S.2 - New Testament** - **S.3 - Book of Mormon** - **S.4 - Doctrine & Covenants** - **S.5 - Pearl of Great Price** - Individual notes for chapters or passages using the Zettelkasten numbering system: - `S.[Volume].[Book].[Chapter].[Passage/Section]` - Example: `S.1.1.1 - 1 Nephi 1:1-10 Insights.md` ### 2. **Teachings and Discourses** (`02 - Teachings and Discourses`) - **General Conference:** - Organized by year and session: - `G.[Year].[Session].[Talk Number] - [Speaker] - [Title of Talk].md` - Example: `G.2024.04.02 - Elder Uchtdorf - Jesus Christ is the Way.md` - Includes a `G.Topics` folder for thematic summaries: - Example: `G.Topics.Faith.md` - **Devotionals**: - Organized by date and institution or speaker - `D.YYYY.MM.DD-SpeakerOrInstitution` - **D**: Indicates it’s a Devotional. - **YYYY**: The year the devotional was given. - **MM.DD**: The month and day for specificity. - **SpeakerOrInstitution**: Shortened speaker name or institution. ### 3. **Come, Follow Me** (`03 - Come, Follow Me`) * Individual notes for weekly Come, Follow Me: * `CFM.[Year].[Week]-[Scriptures].md` * Example: `CFM.2024.W03 - 1 Nephi 6 - 10.md` - Links to related scripture, talks and personal insights. ### 3. **Doctrinal Topics (`04 - Doctrinal Topics`)** - Individual notes for core doctrines: - `DT.[Topic Number] - [Topic Name]` - Example: `DT.0001 - Faith.md` - Links to related scriptures, talks, and personal insights. ### 4. **Personal Revelation and Spiritual Impressions (`04 - Personal Revelation and Impression`)** - Notes documenting personal revelations or spiritual impressions, organized chronologically or by topic. - Example: `PR.2024.01.17 - Revelation on Atonement.md` - Example: `SI.2024.06.24 - Small Steps of Faith.md` - Links to related scriptures ### 5. **Cross-References (`05 - Cross-References`)** - Dynamic links between scriptures, talks, and topics. - Includes an `Index.md` for easy navigation. ### 6. **Archive Index (`99 - Archive Index`)** - Master index linking archived notes for long-term reference. --- ## **Note Naming Conventions** Each note has a unique identifier based on its category and content: - **Scriptures**: `S.[Volume].[Book].[Chapter].[Passage/Section]` - Example: `S.1.1.1 - 1 Nephi 1:1-10 Insights.md ` - **Conference Talks**: `G.[Year].[Session].[Talk Number] - [Speaker] - [Title of Talk]` - Example: `G.2024.04.02 - Elder Uchtdorf - Jesus Christ is the Way.md` - **Doctrinal Topics**: `D.[Topic Number] - [Topic Name]` - Example: `DT.0001 - 1 - Faith.md` - **Revelations**: `P.[Year].[Month] - [Topic/Insight]` - Example: `P.2024.01 - Revelation on Atonement.md` --- ## **Templates** This vault uses consistent templates for note-taking. Templates are stored in the `98 - Templates` folder and include: - [[Scripture Template]] - [[Talk Template]] - [[Come, Follow Me Template]] - [[Doctrinal Topic Template]] - [[Personal Revelation Template]] ### Example Template: General Conference Talk ```markdown --- Title: {{title}} Speaker: {{speaker}} Date: {{date}} Tags: #conference {{custom_tags}} Number: {{number}} --- ## Key Points ## Memorable Quotes ## Personal Application ## Cross-References - Related Scriptures: - [[ ]] - Related Doctrinal Topics: - [[ ]] - Related Talks: - [[ ]] ```